Sunday, October 29, 2006

by myself

.... till a week from monday.... interesting....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

George Lucas Apperance on The Colbert Report

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

TV is evil

I sat down with my parents last night in the living room. My dad started flipping the channels... and we ended up watching Dancing with the Stars. Too late to leave... I started to watch Jerry Springer shimmy... quite a sight.... Then there was Mario Lopez doing the jive.... I felt like I was watching Saved By the Bell... and they had to do some dance contest because Zack said something wrong. hum.... Oh and at least there was a bald headed Joey Lawrence.... yeah... I said "Whao".... (if you don't get that one... you're just too young.... *sigh*)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Bridge School '06

Ok I figured I'll get a jump on it this time and post some stuff up. I really didn't take that many pictures and a majority of the videos were kinda iffy. Here are the better ones.

Ummm.... I think that's Death Cab on stage.... Proving once again I should have brough my camera. Well or get a good one.

These people were sitting next to us. They were pretty nice for the most part. Had to sit next to that guy for like 9 hours.... He was such a wack.... Takes up most of the arm rest, non-stop scarcastic comments, complaining how the really annoying chick sitting in front of us blocked his shot with her fat ass... stuff like that.

One of the rare moments when J. was actually in his seat... photographic prove that we were both there.

It was soooo packed... I'm glad we had seats.

My #2 and 3

Summer Skin
Brothers On A Hotel Bed
My Hero
Soul Meets Body
Grace Is Gone

Sunday, October 22, 2006


The concert yesterday was pretty awsome. It was long... but awesome. Only took a few pictures, and the majority of video clips were kind of scratchy. I'll try to post them up sometime soon. My buddies brought their spiffy camera in, so they'll have a lot better pictures and vids then I do.... when they post it, I will link... hehehe.

Went to the meeting this morning half dead. Got home for my break and got really dizzy.... couldn't walk straight... decided to called out sick and took a nap. Got up and proceeded to read/skimp 14 chapters in two text books and typed up about 25 pages of notes. Took the two midterms by 9:30, Aced one, bombed one... big surprise.... *shrug* I guess I know what I have to do to prep for the next exam and such. I still have the accounting exam to prep for. Fun. Going to sleep for now.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Today is the day I go to The Bridge School Benefits. I'm pretty excited about it. I'll be home for roughly another 5 hours. So hopefully I will get a majority of things I need to do done. Don't think I will get to start until about 10 because I need food, and I'm thinking about baking. So I don't know. I'll get some stuff done for sure. Yeah. I should eat a lot to pad my stomach for the beer assult later... *turns on Dave*

Some sort of result....

I started something a couple of weeks back that is actually working out. In addition to throwing my spare change in my change jar (well technically two VOSS bottle, larger for quarters, smaller for everything else), I also started collecting my singles. The results is about 30 bucks saved up already. I'm fairly pleased with the result. It makes me feel pretty good that I'm actually starting to save up some money instead of spending it all. Well granted I will probably spend a majority of the cash I have now on beer tomorrow.... but that's special.

Anyhow... I've been cleaning through my room and bathroom and such, and it's seriously just like shopping. I have been finding so much odds and ends around the house... it makes me wonder... when in hell did I buy all this crap that I've never used?

Next week will be even more fun, because I will be going through the stuff in my "products" box, bookshelf, and under my bed. Angel had once said I can probably open my own shop with the amount of products I have. Seriously, I don't remember what all I have in those boxes... I guess I'll find out.

I have a whole lot of books I haven't gotten around to read. Sad really, because how much I love to read. Maybe over the holidays. yeah. I just need to sort them out.

The space under my bed is packed. Mostly games and movies and such I bought and have not touched. Yeah, it's like digging through a game store down there.... and everything is still wrapped too. Yup. I have so many games I have down there that I haven't touched, it's scary. I don't even remember what I have down there. I've been that busy.... *sigh*

I don't really have that much time to just fool around I guess. The whole school and work thing... Plus lately I've been trying to fit the work out thing in my schedule. It's so time consuming. I'm not really seeing any results, but at least I can tell my endurance is going up, which is good, that means I'm building up more on the cardiac and respiratory front. But I need to loose my flaps!!! gah!

So what have I got so far..... school, work, organization, gym.... then I guess I can throw in finance and relationship and stuff. Well at least I try to socialize to take my mind off stuff.... and I write. Not a whole lot... but enough to remind me the next day what I should be doing.... I have a horrible memory.... *sigh*.... Yeah..... I think I should sleep. I have to stop ranting and sleep. I need to get up early enough tomorrow to ready 14 chapters (7 for each class) and take the two exams before 2 pm.... which is when I will leave for the entire evening. I then have a meeting at 8 am on Sunday morning, and working a split shift. I'll need to study for another test on Monday. I have a discussion due on Wednesday plus all of next week's homework. Yeah this is going to be great fun for me. *plop*

Friday, October 20, 2006

I want this....

Should be on sale now..... and I think I'm going to the mall sometime next week with my mom... Maybe... maybe....


This is the one weekend where everything is coming together. I'm getting crushed by school work, and I'm getting annoyed. I am fatigued all the time even with my more or less regular exercise. I don't know. I can't seem to motivate myself. *sigh*

Thursday, October 19, 2006

.... he likes to hold my head and have me look him straight into his eyes and talk to him.... pretty intense...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

on getting things done....

I went to the bank yesterday... and deposited a check a friend wrote to me in March. That's one thing I hate. I don't like it when people pay me back in a check. Why can't you just get your lazy ass over to the ATM and go get some cash. Seriously. Anyway I don't think she'd even notice... so whatever. What I care about is... I finally got the majority of money back from people and I can pay my bills. Yeah. I'm pretty happy about that.

I made a to do list yesterday and got most of the things done. I even threw in a couple of things in there I hadn't thought of before and just did it. I finally mounted that DMB poster with my tickets on it. Pretty spiffy.

I decided to do something about my bathroom too. Went ahead and pulled everything I'm not currently using out of there. When I have time today I will scrub the counter and the tub and such. Yup. It's getting there. A pretty good project to work on I think. So other then that, I did laundry, grocery, made a turkey meatloaf, and got a bunch of paperworks done.

Did I already mention how magnificintly awesome this weekend is going to be? It's going to be the best concert I have ever been. I'm getting all giddy just thinking about it.

Even with all the things I managed to do yesterday, I still feel like I've been kind of lazy. I don't know. My room started to get a little messy again eventhough I cleaned it like last week. All the stuff I pulled from the bathroom are now in my room. I need to start weeding things out. I already threw away a whole bunch of stuff yesterday. There were like two bags of it. Now I still have like 3 big totes of products. I think some of it can go back to the bathroom after I've cleaned it so that'll make some room. I'm trying to seperate the body care products with the vanity stuff, those I can put with my jewlery... which is another mess I have to take care of. But everything is taking shape! I'm actually creating a comfortable living environment for myself.

I guess everything in my life is starting to take shape. I got my acceptance letter from SJSU earlier this week. I'm pretty happy about that. So that is where I will be going in the Spring. I am starting to de-clutter my life. I'm letting things go. My school work right now is a lot, but I don't think I'm too far behind. I'm finally seeing somebody, although the seeing part is debatable since our schedules are entirely opposite. I'm exercising again. I haven't lost any weight yet I don't think, but I feel a lot more energized when I do managed to run. Work is still.... eh.... not much I can do about... but at least for now I have good support. I'm on the Viewpoint committee... and for once there's a lot of optimisim about it, which is pretty cool. And then there's my freeing myself of clutter thing. So yeah, a lot of these things are a work in progress, but it's getting there. I think I'm finally starting to pull my life together. It feels pretty damn good.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Grand Theft Auto : Lego City

White & Nerdy

Here's the thing about this video... There's sooooo many things I can relate to.... pretty creepy... and can somebody please confirm that's Seth Green in one of the shots and the crazy guy dancing in the background is frickin Donny Osmond.....
Sweet Tired Cat

Hahahaha.... this cat looks like me at work... lmao...

Sunday, October 15, 2006


this weekend had been looooong..... at least I turned in everything on time... so that's good.... *sigh*

Friday, October 13, 2006

I cried last night. I let it out. I think I'm better now.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Next Saturday....

I'll be there....


Something that I felt today, something that I heard
Swingin' from the chandeliers, hanging on your word
I remember watchin' you, once upon a time
Dancing from across the room, in another light

A little bit of resolve is what I need now
Pin me down, show me how
A little bit of resolve is what I need now
Pin me down, show me how

Lookin' back to find my way, never seemed so hard
Yesterday's been laid to rest, changing of the guard
I would never change a thing, even if I could
All the songs we used to sing, everything was good

A little bit of resolve is what I need now
Pin me down, show me how
A little bit of resolve is what I need now
Pin me down, show me how

One more year that you're not here has gone and passed you by
What happened to you, what happened to you?
One more tear that you won't hear has gone and passed you by
What happened to you, what happened to you?

A little bit of resolve is what I need now
Pin me down, show me how
A little bit of resolve is what I need now
Pin me down, show me how

A little bit of resolve
One more year that you're not here
Has gone and passed you by (A little bit of resolve)
A little bit of resolve
One more year that you're not here
Has gone and passed you by (A little bit of resolve)

-- In Your Honor -- Foo Fighters

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Monday, October 9, 2006


3.2 miles in 40 min, 200 crunches, 2 sets of resistance on the cable cross, 2 sets of balance and 50 squats..... it's gonna burn tomorrow like a muther....

Sunday, October 8, 2006

I'm for hire

Courtesy of Tom.... That has got to be the best bowling night ever.... Looks like Prush enjoyed himself... lol

Sunday Night Mega Bloggage!!!!

Ok I have a lot of grounds to cover tonight... Let's get to it!!!

I saw this at Costco a few weeks back... was very very tempted to get it... Then I thought to myself... well I don't reeeeally need it.... so I didn't.... I don't know.. the occasion hasn't come up where I need nearly as many Sharpies....

I came out of my appointment at Kaiser the other day... and this guy was parked right across from me.... I had to take a look... I think it was the color that really drew me to it.

I finally got my hands on a Voodoo Baby.... Darkie Roxorz!!! And yes... those are John's legs you see in the background.

See this is what happens when everybody from 3 departments decide it is a great idea to wrap one particular person up with a roll of paper towels..... I just wish I had a picture of when we all made that decision.... it was a lot of finger pointing for sure... lol

This really should come with a Killer Rabbit or a Holy Hand Grenade or something.... very interesting branding this was....

Yeah I've been drinking a lot of water and water like drinks of late... it comes with the whole work out thing I think. Need to replenish my liquids somehow.... ^_^
btw.... Metromint tastes like tooth paste....

Ah yes.... I just had one of these... it's pretty damn good.... spicy....

Ok... Now lets move onto some loot I've gotten on Friday. I went a little crazy and went shopping by myself. Of course I have no idea how I am going to pay all fo this off... But at least a majority of it were great bargins. So I'm good.... for now =P

I know the quality of this isn't very good.... but every time I walk into the mall, I can't help myself but to walk into Michal Negrin.

*so... imagine these just the center part of these guys.... with black petals and a champagne jewel*

Everything is so cute... so Victorian.... I have a couple pairs of earrings from them... but I wanted something relatively simple. This is something I can wear on casual outings.... I love it... It's so cute...

Haven't gotten anything cute from Gap in a while.... I'm currently wearing the sweat pants... super comfy. Got that light blue collared shirt with silver prints on it.... the brown striped tee that's really really soft... a brown 3/4 sleeves tee with wide neck.... and some socks... cute and comfy for all of them

VOSS water and the skull string lights from Illuminations... pretty self-explainatory.

This was an interesting one. I have 2 L.A.M.B. LeSportsac bags (side note: totally obsessed with getting a tokidoki bag right now... but that's another story) Since then I've been pretty interested in Hara Juku. I went ahead and paid way too much for this little tote at Metro Park.... Yeah... I think I'm actually going to start using this guy for work... seeing it's the perfect size.

Halloween pasta that will last me the month.... hehe... It's too cute. The there's the microwave popcorn that's made with hot sauce... I'm going to have to try it out sometime this week. I <3 Cost Plus.

This I live by.... can't go a day without it.... and it helps when I get discounts... so woooo!

A pair of comfy sweat pants and yet another hoodie from Aero.... good thing they were on sale.... I can never have enough hoodies ^_^

Once again... Cost Plus rocks my socks!!! A vampire rubber duckie?!?! A witch candle holder?!?!? I'm all over that....

Ok I guess that is all of my pictures.... So now... As promised... A WHOLE MONTH after the best concert I've ever been too... here are the extremely jumpy videos of them I took with my phone. I do apologize for the quality.... it's kinda hard to keep your hand steady when you're dancing around with hippies while drunk =P

Ok this first one was Bartender.... the quality kinda sucks.... and I apparently still had the 30 sec cap on it.... so it's kinda short.

Crash Into Me made me cry. I love this song.... soooooo much. Well I guess it was also because I was still pretty drunk too.... oh the tears.... quickens my pulse every time I watch this.

So Right. This is easily the best encore ever.

So I guess that's all I have to say about everything for now... ^_^

Saturday, October 7, 2006


I went on a bit of a rampage yesterday. I went shopping by myself. Needless to say I got waaaay too much stuff. mmmm. Yeah I'm going to post up some pictures of the notible items later.... Then I went to the gym and spend an hour an a half on the treadmill. Now I'm kinda sore... just kind of... surprising isn't it.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Challenge Me

I've been challenged for the distance run in 4 weeks by a friend on nikeplus.... And I'm getting my butt kicked.... grrrr.... I only get to upload one thing a day... So I'll make the best of it tomorrow. I have 2 miles to make up for today, plus my usual walk/run for tomorrow. Plus I finally calibrated the thing... It's going to take me longer to run it. Endurance endurance.... I need it.

Of Blue Bawls and Fat Lip

1) Somebody stated he can drain two Bawls in 5 minutes.... mmmm.... didn't know that about him... and he wasn't even thinking what I was thinking.... hey dude.. the bottle is blue too.... haha

2) Went bowling, John whipped me a good one on my butt with a towel.... I whipped him back as a reflex and got him real good across the lips.... yeah.... Justin commented on how he hasn't seen that rage since dodgeball.... I think I need to borrow The Revolvers pimp ring and sport a feathered hat.....

3) Gonna try something new about saving some cash. I already save change in my bucket... what if I throw all my singles in too? That would build up pretty fast I think.... Just a thought. Let's see how desperate I'll get before I raid the bucket. Plus I need to change it from my "coffee change" bucket to something maybe a bit more useful.

4) I've been trying to workout. Maybe not as much weights on Wednesdays? I was bowling like crap... I no grip.... *sigh*

5) mmmmm.... I'm late doing one of my assignments... but I don't feel like I care very much... dammit. It's starting already. Good flipping times.....

6) I had way too much coffee today.

7) Went to Starbucks earlier and I looked at one of their new plush toys.... held it up, and John immediately went into talking about how it's a 'One-Eyed Monster'.... that's about as much as the barista heard.... he totally cracked up. Good times. Maybe I'll pick up one of the mugs.... oh wait, I won't cause I'm flipping broke.

8) Turned around in the bowling alley and all Thanh heard Angel said was.... something "big and pulsating in my mouth".... She had lip plumpers.... He looked at me and I said... no buddy... that's not what she meant.... and don't even try to explain to her what you thought she said. But if it were... it better be real big. haha.... yes I'm lewd. And yes I did hug her from behind. She "ewww"ed at me. I stood straight up and held her by her hips.... took her a second to realize it too. It was too good to pass up.

9) Neech and I discovered that the velcro cable ties we have at work makes very good cuffs.... very very strong... we tested it out a bit..... TC commented on how it chafes... and he's right....

Yeah I'm a little wired form the Venti PSL..... I'm working at 9:30.... so I better write that BS and go sleep.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Sunday, October 1, 2006


1) last night was great fun with the shopping and night out
2) work was kinda long... kinda quiet.... got some stuff done
3) haven't touched my homework, should start in a bit... while sipping my latte...
4) looks like mom's gonna be in the hospital for another day... *sigh*