Sunday, February 3, 2008

I can hear now....

So I went into work on Friday and I happened upon a pair of tickets for Foo Fighters. I'm not going into details, but it's unexpected to say the least, and I owe people some favors. Good thing I have a couple of Starbucks cards with sufficient balance.

I'm glad I decided to fill up the tank on Tuesday, it was very helpful. The trek up to Oakland isn't very far, but the traffic was bleh... Plus it was dark and rainy... not a very good combination.

I had very good seats, well it was a box, so it was pretty damn good. Food and drinks were provided, but the thing I'm most impressed about was the private bathroom. Oh man... if you've ever been to a concert with a couple of beers in you.... you know what I mean....

It was a very fun time indeed. It was one of the most entertaining concerts I've been to. I knew pretty much every song, even the new stuff. They played all my favorites all the way back to my high school days... that's a while back. The stage was across the arena, and there was a catwalk all the way down the center where the mosh pit usually would be (it was split in two). Dave Grohl would run up and down the catwalk, that was pretty cool. I have a couple of photos of that. When it came to the acoustic set, they lowered a circular platform in the middle, and played in the middle of the arena. Which makes my seats even better. Have you ever heard a triangle solo? We did, and it rocked.

I suggest watching the Long Road To Ruin video. See that tshirt the girls are wearing? I almost got one of those. lol.... I got this one instead, with the tour locations on the back.

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