Thursday, February 7, 2008

why I look forward to thursdays... or any other day for that matter....

Thursdays I have a pretty bad class schedule actually. Class at 10:30 for an hour and a half and then another class at 3 for about 3 hours. Not only that, I have to get on campus about 2 hours early to find parking. I look forward to it because it forces me to create time. I have two hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon. I have an upper and a lower bound, and I have to fill it with something. Granted I always spend a huge chunk of time everyday messing around with my site and look through random things online (thanks google reader and digg), but what else have I got to do? Homework and such. I've created another habit of late. This is the one day I need to have lunch on campus. All the other days I can dine at home. This is downtown San Jose. I have a three hour lunch. That adds up to me trying to find a nicer place to eat. Funny thing is I always find myself at Cafe Pomegranate week after week. If I can find something just as healthy and at a sit-down dining venue, I probably would be there. But every time I walk by the smell of kabobs lures me in.... It's a habit I'm not interested in shaking.

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