Saturday, February 9, 2008

my window is open

It's been a long time since I opened my window. This winter is long. I'm trying to do things differently this time around. I'm tired of feeling stale.

I had a meeting at work this morning. It was probably the most productive meeting I've ever been to. Half the people were painting the room, and I lead the other half into a crop session. That's right. Cropping. I think we ended with with about 8 layouts this morning. In two hours. We're pretty efficient. It's funny I have all the material in my room. The good stuff. And I've only done two layouts. I don't know what holds me back. Having other people make them and encouraging them is fun. They were reluctant at first, didn't know what to do. I just told them, there's no right answer, just put down what you feel is good. They did. And it turned out great. How come nobody ever really said that to me before? I feel like I don't have that sort of encouragement. I always want to do things the "right" way, and I end up not working on it at all. I tried to be a perfectionist, and I give up when I can't get it perfect.

Having done something and learn from it is better then not doing it at all.

1 comment:

  1. You work? Heh..nifty! :)
    Scrapping isn't about any right or wrong way, ya just slap stuff down on your cardstock and VOILA! It's what feels right to you, you're the one that experienced the moment, or feelings you're trying to preserve.
    I swear I think I said that before.
