Thursday, March 6, 2008

fried sushi and the 2 mile mark

I had fried sushi today. I had it on Tuesday too. I'm done with it. In fact I'm done with fried food for now... during the week anyway. I'm done with sodas, coffee with syrup, sweet tea, and sugary juices. That and I've been spending way too much on junk food lately. The more strip down my food the better. I've been taking my vitamins regularly. I need to just move down the list and do the things I've put down. I ran tonight. I made myself do it. I was at the 1.75 mark today, tomorrow is 2 miles. Quarter mile more at a time. I just have to do it. Let's see where that gets me.

1 comment:

  1. Fried sushi? Okay, I'm dumb but I don't think I even knew such a thing existed. I'm with you, I need to do that same..cutting out all sugary drinks...what a huge percent of calories! Eeeek.
