Friday, March 7, 2008


If I needed to hit the reset button, I did that today. My friend got me to go to the gym this morning. I made the 2 miles, and we're going to do it again tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning. I had the whole morning to myself. I refiled and organized all my papers. I can find my records now from bank accounts to health insurance to tax return. It's nice. The folder labels makes more sense now too. I did the same with my coursework. Now I have a pretty good view on what I need to do. It's actually not too bad. I'm doing laundry. I wanted to take a nap, but I made a gigantic mug of coffee instead. I cleaned my room. Cleared out part of my bookshelf that hosts my scrapbook stuff. I'm digging my way back to it.

In order for me to make more layouts, well other then the two I made, I need to know what I have. I got some folders and I intend to separate out the different elements and start planning some pages.

I felt like I got so much done today. Now I need to eat, and get ready for work. I work at 5... good times.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a well accomplished day, always feels good. I wish I could find the discipline to get up that early to get on the treadmill that early routinely.
    I've been thinking I need to clean up my scrap area, and take inventory too so to speak. I've told myself I need to use up with I have, before I buy anything else.
