Wednesday, March 5, 2008

so I was crossing the street...

and my phone rings. Of course I didn't answer it, because I can't feel my phone buzz when it's in my jeans pocket. I'm pretty sure it's the layer of fat on my thigh that filtered it out. It was my friend J just saw me cross the street and wanted to tell me about how she joined the gym over the weekend. I think I've been giving her crap for quite some time for not going to the gym with me anymore. So there I was, having tapioca express and a box of fried food, plotting out when to go to the gym again.

I felt giddy tonight. I feel like a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I can enjoy things and not get annoyed. I feel like I've reclaimed myself. I've liberated myself. I feel like I can do anything.

Right now, I am going to sleep. ha!

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