Sunday, November 23, 2008

little update

I haven't had much to talk about in a while. Everything is day to day. Work has slowed down a bit. I haven't had to work at the store for a few weeks now. I was lucky enough to find myself a wonderful boyfriend. I think things are going well in general.

I try to keep myself busy when I have time off. I reconfigured my room last weekend out of necessity. It is hard to watch a 40" TV from a close range. I talked about how my overpriced phone is my graduation present for myself. I think the TV counts as my first big purchase after I got my job. It is about time to upgrade my computer monitor. 40" actually look relatively small when I am sitting in the middle of the room.

My sense of time and urgency has been slacking ever since I got out of school. Mainly because I don't have any homework. I have been trying to line up some projects for myself. I got one of the huge ones out of the way. Everything in my room has been moved around. I still need to put things back into place and pull unnecessary things out. That shouldn't take too long if I really put my mind to it. I need to start working on my website. I have a very good general idea on how to build it. It will take some time, to learn and apply some building skills. I need to learn from the ground up because I want to have some clean code and have it be flexible. I think it will be worth the efforts in the end. I'm not too worried about the actual contents for the time being. I figure with the topics I want to put into the site, the contents will fill itself eventually.

I know I have made similar posts over the years regarding these things. But I really feel this time I will get around to it. It's hard to believe, but it's true. Every day I am making little changes to my surrounding and myself. I'm working on it. One of my major flaws is that I am really a perfectionist. If I can't make something perfect, I simply stop working on it. I have many many unfinished projects. I collect random things with the intention of putting them into scrapbooks. I am not as artistic as I would like to think. I do have an eye for the aesthetics and have collected many things over the years. I am forcing myself to sort out these things and figure out what I really want. What defines me?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I had one of those days where I needed a drink at the end of it. I forgo the urge to pick up that bottle of Patron Silver at Trader Joe's and settled for a mini keg can of Heineken chilling in my fridge instead. Not a good Monday at work, I forgot my badge this morning and everyone went home early from feeling blah. That is a first in all my time there. It also didn't help that I was worried the whole day about somebody who was sick. I was worried that he had passed out. I went over to his house after work and banged on his door for what seemed to be forever. I really wanted to just stare him down and sarcastically say, oh you're still alive, then turn around and walk away.

I feel like an idiot to care so much.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I took a walk today during my break from work. It felt great and I did what I wanted to. That's the key word for me for the last few days. I realize how often I don't think for myself and blindly do what other people think would be best for me. I have gotten a few major hurdles out of my way and I am satisfied with the way I reached these major goals. I can't say I am completely happy. I realize that society, family, and friends have pressured me to behave a certain way for the past 26 years and I caved. I think it really is time to examine the things that makes me truly happy from the bottom of my heart.

It is mostly my fault that I allow myself to be so sheltered and closed in. I am insecure and needs validation. In some places such as my academic career and professional career I have become incredibly confident out of practice. In other ares, not as much. I can understand hard work and how to establish my path to a successful career for stability and comfort, it's the what to do with all of that part I haven't figured out.

What exactly am I working so hard for? I was fortunate enough to capitalize on an incredible opportunity. I am reluctant to leave the thing I am familiar with. I have refused to quit out of loyalty. I don't want to disappoint. That is not thinking for myself.

I can't think of a more confusing time in my life. Hanging on to the past and yet to fully embrace the future.

I need to learn to be selfish.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

in case of fire

Originally uploaded by odrini

VG 6

In Case of Fire
Break Glass

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It's been quite a while since I had some time to myself. I tried to write some a couple of weeks ago and it just didn't really happen. So a little update.

I started work at Apple and I found a man. I'm working 7 days a week and somehow need to drag my butt out of bed early enough to go to the gym. That's the short version of it.

Monday, August 4, 2008

breaking the habit

I broke the habit. I've been writing on this little piece of interwebs real estate since 9/22/2005 and I never missed a week until this past one. It has been a very interesting July for me. I had been sitting on my butt for the past two months just feeling unmotivated and down, then all of a sudden things came together.

Two months ago I finally graduated. It was one of those times when I think to myself, "well now that's done with.... what in hell am I going to do now?" It was great that I got that huge step out of the way, but I ended up sitting on my ass pretty much right off bat. I figured I deserved some sort of vacation. Sure I looked around for jobs but I was picky. I had a grand total of 1 interview in the whole process.

I had roughly two months of sitting on my ass and do nothing. Well maybe not "nothing". I did get around to go run. I lost about 7 lbs so far and it really shows. I need to get back into that habit. I liked it. My body adjusted to the exercise and I can do it forever. I need to work on my play list though.