Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm deaf out of one ear, and it's well worth it

I wait a whole year for Dave, and this was it. Tonight was a lot of fun. I didn't get to *watch* too much of the concert. At least I was able to see the screen. The opener this year was Stephen Marley. The music was pretty good, and there was this guy on stage where his entire job was to wave the Jamaican flag around in an enthusiastic way... for 45 minutes. I wish I could do that, just maybe not the Jamaican flag.

We were under this perpetual haze. I think I'm still a little high from it... lol. I'm joining the warehouse for sure this year. I need seats. I need to see the stage. Yes, plan ahead is the key....

Since I'm still awake, I decided to share a few things. Set list. I took just one video this year of Everyday. I really wanted to spend time to enjoy it. I can probably take a camera in next year and nobody would really care. A few pictures I already shared with Carrie while I was there.... thanks for your *feedback* lol...

Saturday Sep 29 2007
Shoreline Amphitheatre

Sugar Will (tease)
A Dream So Real *
Two Step *
Eh Hee *
You Might Die Trying *
Everyday *
Dreaming Tree *
Grace Is Gone
(Black Water) *
Louisiana Bayou *
Sister +
Granny *
Corn Bread *
The Idea Of You *
#27 *
Dream Girl *
Jimi Thing *
Grey Street *
Stay (Wasting Time) *


So Damn Lucky ~
American Baby Intro *
Ants Marching *

Show Notes:
* Rashawn Ross
+ Carter, Butch and Rashawn: Back-up vocals
~ Dave Solo

(song name) indicates a partial song
indicates a segue into next song


Our view

This one is for you Carrie.... we're doing that together next year

What could that guy be reading that is so interesting even Stephen Marley can't distract him?

I found Jesus

That looks something like a stage

I'm cold, can't you tell?

Old school - lighter flames. New school - lighter flames and even more cell phone screens.

What the moon likes like at 11 pm with Ants Marching on the background.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I was asleep for most of the day. In fact I didn't get up until about 1. I've been so exhausted in the last few days from all the school work. I already have it plotted out, I just need to follow it.

Tuesday I spent the morning doing some grocery and such, and by the time I settled down it was time for my group meeting. My partner and I slaved over the project. We didn't finish on some of the parts, so we decided to throw it together before class yesterday. An hour before class she called me up and tells me she's in the hospital with her mom. I'm not mad at her at all. In fact I can really only blame myself for being lazy and didn't think to back up everything. It's not that big of a deal for the class, so I'll live. We get extra credit elsewhere in the class anyway. She said she's going to fight to not have me penalize for it. Honestly though, I don't think I worked hard enough on that project to really deserve a good grade, so I really could care less. I do appreciate it though.

I bought a leather bracelet yesterday. I need to put a picture of it up. Kinda hard to describe, but it does match my watch. I look like I'm wearing a pair of leather cuffs. That makes me want to hit the Renaissance Fair.

Bowling went pretty good last night. We went to eat at the cafe again. I had a veal dinner. It was a huge piece of veal that was very yummy. It cost me $8.50. Needless to say I'm a big fan of that venue.

2 days till Dave! Yay!!! I'm getting so excited about it. This is a yearly thing for me now. I'll go with good company this year. I'm hoping more people will join me in the future. This is going to be fun. I need to figure out what food to bring.

I think what I'm getting at right now is that I'm really looking forward to getting out of school. The thing I really enjoy doing is to go out and do things with my friends. Having some sort of stability will help me more. It's a really good motivator I think.

TV shows so far....

Heroes -- season 2 has pretty good start so far, would like to see more. Have been waiting on the Hiro storyline for a while, not disappointing at all.

Chuck -- Fairly outlandish, nerdy Johnny Mnemonic way. I'll keep watching it because I'm a bit of a nerd (*snicker*) You'll have to work where I work to get another dimension of the jokes. In case you were wondering, I did assign a few character names for some select co-workers already... especially the namesake of the show... (*snicker again*)

Journeyman -- Still not quite sure about it. I had to have discussions during every other scene to get what was happening straight. If you get the whole Back to the Future thing, you'll do just fine.

Reaper -- Very surprising. Little quirks here and there. That's what you can expect from a Kevin Smith project I suppose. So many little jokes. Catching a fugitive from hell with a dirt devil that needs to be recharged? Now that's a good time. Slight suspicion the purpose of the pack of dogs the fat guy (think Silent Bob with Jay's mouth) chased around with a leaf blower is to yell "RUN BITCHES!"

Dancing with the Stars -- Saw some of it, missing the last part of night 1, and the beginning of night 2. I think this will be a decent season. I think that's about as much as I can say about that.

That's all I have for now

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

hang on a second

Before you think I threw myself off the far end of the literary train, you need to know I spent about 4 hours writing the last post. Considering it was a paper due on Monday. lol...

So how about this weather? Everyone were all depressed over the weekend and I was totally chipper. My sup was gonna choke me for being chipper. Well he was kidding of course, or I guess. He is a bit morbid. Actually I do recall he likes rain. So huh? Whatever. I think I'll start calling him Chuck. Go watch that show on NBC, it was bomb.

It's moon festival tonight. That means a huge full moon, and I need to get my ass up and get grocery before I get run over by little old ladies. My water got turned off again this morning, I don't know what in hell they need to fix, but I can't take a shower, so I'm kinda pissed.

I need to go to the store to pick up the new Foo Fighters CD also. I have so much to do. Then I have to be back home in time to work on a project with a classmate. Good flipping times.

Time to find some water.

Monday, September 24, 2007

My History As A Writer

My english education up until the age of ten composed of British educational ideals and Chinese assumptions. It is safe to say english is not my native language. When I first learned I would be moving to the United States, my parents enrolled me in a supplemental english class. The course did not help me in reading and writing. I learned a few vocabularies, curse words, and how to speak without an accent. The tutor had forgotten the written language was equally important. In his defense, we were the loudest and uncontrollable group of kids in the school. Any tutors would toss his lesson plan and curse under his breath about the bratty Chinese kids. Four days after my tenth birthday, I was flown to my new home.

My first real challenge in writing was to generate a short essay at the elementary school district office. It was the way the big scary white lady used to assess my language skills. I had to write about my interests. I believe I wrote something along the line of watching an obscene amount of television and eating. I hated writing, and much less in a language I was not familiar with. I was embarrassed at my limited vocabulary. I mixed up words such as ‘snack’ and ‘snake’. I still do quite a bit of snaking. The lady studied my writing as if it was a recently discovered long lost text written by Shakespeare himself. Apart from the snake thing, which my parents found amusing, there were no major errors that would earn me a place in the lowest ESL level class, just the second lowest.

During freshman year in high school, I was required to write in different styles of prose and poetry. I was instructed to write about anything I wanted to. I had no idea what I wanted to write about and I still hated writing. I was astonished when I earned one of the highest grades in the class for the haiku assignment. The subject matter was how much I hated writing haikus. My instructors appreciated the irony. I needed to feel strongly about a subject to write creatively.

The beginning of my college career was all pictures, numbers, and fragments. Computer programmers did not need to know the English language; that was my understanding until I encountered the technical writing class. There was class where I had to write about something I was interested in. The problem being I no longer aspired to be a code monkey. To try to feign interest in something was by far the most painful thing in the world. That was the moment when I regretted not taking up an offer to become an english major.

I tried hard as I did but could not get myself to pass all the required classes for a degree that was then meaningless to me. Failure wells up a lot of complicated emotions. These emotions are hard to articulate and sift through. Two years ago I started a blog as an outlet. I opened a floodgate of incoherent ideas and words. It was the first time I was able to articulate my ideas. I wrote in a manner opposite of when I wrote for school. I was not critical of how my words came out. I did not censor myself when I came up with ideas. I did not care about my horrible grammar and the wrong words were not corrected. I wrote about the way I felt. I wanted to write about what mattered most to me. I don’t hate writing. I hate writing with no purpose at all.

As a writer I can be easily distracted. I often stop myself in mid sentence thinking about the most fitting word. When I think of the right word, I will have lost the idea altogether. I never made the connection between free writing and delivering good composition. By the time I finish spilling out ideas I will be too lazy to edit it into something readable. I often find myself staring at the computer screen with a million words floating in my head. By writing the words down, I put my thoughts into perspective. This week I found the sound that keeps my mind focused was of my pencil scratching on a pad of paper. It has its own unique rhythm. It is the single white noise capable of drowning out all the distractions in the world. It is the noise that liberates me from my critical self and let my ideas come out.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dear Lord....


I feel lighter today. Not only because I did weight a little less, but I feel like a weight have been lifted off me. I'm a little upset with myself for letting it bother me for so long, but no more. It's just a good feeling to come to a realization that nothing is really going to come off of it, and might as well just end it right here. I'm just tired of it. I recognize how it is exactly the same as before. This is a good time to stop.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sharks pre-season starts tomorrow....

yay! I don't get to watch it because it's not on TV... I'll need to figure out this whole video capture thing... hum.... Can't wait!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

under the stairs

Nothing really eventful happened in the last few days. Classes, homework, got a new Nano, stuff like that.

The Nano is not as ugly as I originally thought. I got a green one for those who are curious. Good thing is I didn't have to spend a dime on it. I'm a believer in replacement plans... I've abused them enough to know I've made it ahead already... lol. My only complaint right now is I don't have a right sized arm band for running. Gripping it for now it is... It's so thin I'm afraid I'm going to break the damn thing. Anyway... I'll figure it out somehow.

I got some encouragement today about my school work. I had to write a paper on Monday about how I picked my major. Dreadful topic. The writing method is direct writing. I was to free-write for half the time and spend the second half picking out the good stuff and edit it. I think it turned out pretty well. I turned 2 pages of random jotting into an one page coherent paper. I had less the 15 grammatical mistakes... which is a miracle for a handwritten piece of work I think. I find free writing so liberating. That is basically what I do here. I do very little revision here though. The best part about that in class assignment was the editing. I crossed out so many useless words. All of my ideas became so much more clear. I recognize that the majority of my writing is a verbalization of my internal dialog. It's actually interesting to read, once I get rid of all the useless words. I truly think this is one of the things that has multiple applications. I know how to clearly convey my ideas to other people through my writings with proper revisions. Doing the free writing I do here help me with my thought process too. It's just so much easier to think about things after I throw them all out on something and pick and choose the important stuff. I like it. Wait, I've been doing it here for two years... hum... Does that make me smarter?

I got another assignment back a little earlier. I think my staffing teacher loves me. She said on Monday that she wasn't done with our article summaries, and from what she could see they were awful. All we had to do was to search for an article on a set topic and write a half page summary on it. Pretty straightforward assignment I would think. I looked at the stack and the amount of comment she wrote on most of them were longer then the summaries themselves. She talked about how people should improve on what articles and be more clear on the summary if they get less the 7 or 8 out of 10. I got only a few sentences about how she knows it was a hard article to go through and it was a brilliant summary. I got a 10. ha! Really though, anyone can do well in the class if they had paid any sort of attention at all in the previous course. So that's my 2 cents on that.

I had a bit of a talk with him last night. I think I finally made myself clear. I sort of panned things out with him. I just didn't want to keep carrying on the way we have been. I wanted to start in a new direction. Go back to square one instead of skipping the first few steps and hop to the end. I really don't want it to be that way. I'm not sure if he wants to do that. He saids he agrees, but it doesn't mean that's what he wants. Keeps talking about how out of character it is for him and such. So I don't know. I'll find out eventually, but I'm not holding my breath.

So that's about it for now. I have another class in about half an hour... maybe I can nap a little before I go. I really need to get a run in today. I've been a little lazy since I broke my last nano. No excuse I know. But it's discouraging ya know...

I'm so tired...

Sunday, September 9, 2007

come on people... i'm just doing my job

All you crazy people with anger issues, ignorance issues, biting more then you can chew issues, metro-fi issues, attention span issues, etc, etc, etc... Go bother somebody else. Or better yet, go jump of a bridge will ya? Yeah I'm talking about you, bleached blond lady with all of the above. No you don't get to look at me like I'm stupid, because you are the dumbest bitch I have ever met. If you can stop and listen to me talk for more then 2 seconds then you would know everything spilling out of that gaping hole in your head are wrong. If you know that better service, why don't you just use it? You know why you're asking me about it? because it doesn't fricking exist. Good job lady. Get the fuck out of my face.

Friday, September 7, 2007

My nano died a quiet death...

pun intended. The thing crapped out on my on 2.6 miles last night. I'm kind of ticked. Now I have to find some way to replace it. *sigh*

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Stephen King

I learned something today. I'm writing about myself in episodes. It's like a sitcom I think. My audience is me. More precisely me in the future. I am noting down how I am becoming the person I will be. I will look back on this one day and see the little things that happened. How different things shaped me.

I'm starting to like this book.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

It's like listening to Kathy Bates

That's my first class. I finally figured out who she looks like. It's not a particularly interesting class. She turns off the lights when she presents slides. It's only 7:30 in the morning. I really need to get up earlier though, I can't find a friggin seat when I get here.

I drive towards the south-east direction when I go to school at 7 in the morning. I feel like I'm going towards the light the whole time I go to school. You can't see road signs, can barely see the lanes, and you have no idea where in hell you are except for the fact that the sun is directly in your eyes. By the time I got to school I have two burnt retinas. Fun times.