Thursday, February 7, 2008

happy new year

Yeah I know we're a week into February, but most people forget I'm Chinese. So celebrate my new year dammit!

I made a few changes to the site. Took out some outdated links, added new ones, put in more ads so I can make a nickel a month.

So what else... oh yeah, I'm at school two hours before class so I can find parking. Good times, no? Feels like a Friday, but it's only Thursday. Suppose I should try to get some work done anyway.

One of my potential assignments for one of my classes is to make a blog.... so um.... there you go. =p

1 comment:

  1. You're Chinese!? ;)


    TWO hours BEFORE class? Wow, that gives you plenty of time to putz around and ummm, make a blog?
