Sunday, September 9, 2007

come on people... i'm just doing my job

All you crazy people with anger issues, ignorance issues, biting more then you can chew issues, metro-fi issues, attention span issues, etc, etc, etc... Go bother somebody else. Or better yet, go jump of a bridge will ya? Yeah I'm talking about you, bleached blond lady with all of the above. No you don't get to look at me like I'm stupid, because you are the dumbest bitch I have ever met. If you can stop and listen to me talk for more then 2 seconds then you would know everything spilling out of that gaping hole in your head are wrong. If you know that better service, why don't you just use it? You know why you're asking me about it? because it doesn't fricking exist. Good job lady. Get the fuck out of my face.


  1. just a little bit... the more I think about it, the more I pity her... lol. Pity people who are so stupid they don't even know it...
