Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Got off to a late start today. It was so windy. Took a little drive down to San Jose. Got some goodies from Scrapbook Island. Went to the gym for a little bit. Looked up into the clouds on my way home... and they were moving fast.... that really made me feel like I was in a bubble. It's a werid feeling. I want to go swim.


  1. Oh my gosh, I have never heard anyone else describe it that way before! Just the other day I was standing in the middle of driveway watching the clouds zoom by and that is exactly how I felt, in a bubble. Such an odd feeling.

    I heard about your trip to S.I. How did you like it?

  2. yeah it was odd to feel that sitting in an intersection. I usually get that if i'm just lounging on the beach... which I almost never do.

    SI was pretty cool. Pretty easy to find. I didn't find too many things I wanted... just because I already have stockpile of paper. Got a couple more rub-ons from hambly, paper and overlays too. I seriously don't know what to do with them... but hell. Got some flower petals, spray on adhesive, and a square qoute bubble stamp from 7gypsies. So yeah it was pretty cool ^_^
