Monday, April 30, 2007
Pay it off.... to myself....
clear it out...
I'm teaching myself patience
Lots of work on my car today. Had an oil change, filter and gaskets, then we dropped off the car at Costco for new tires. Apparently I have a nail in my passenger side rear tire. Well no wonder it's been leaking.
Had lunch with Dad today. I'm still muching on my leftover pad thai. So good. I realize I haven't talked to him for a while. I rarely get to see him. So that was good.
The weather has been so nice the last few days. I love flipflops.
My room is messy again. Really should take care of that. I did some cleaning at work the other day. I spent an hour sorting out papers and throwing stuff away. It never looked so clean. If I can do that at work, I can do that at home. Clutters now bugs the hell out of me.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
almost monday
Scotty was beamed into space today. By that I mean the ashes of James Doohan was blasted into space via a rocket today. I dunno why I find that amusing.
A tanker full of gasoline blew up at the Maze this morning. That would be the area where there is a gigantic amount of freeway interchanges are right off the Bay Bridge at Oakland. Part of one overpass *splat* on another. I don't know how else I can describe it. It was interesting. Traffic is going to suck. I'm glad I don't live around there and do I care about the A's and Warriors. There is going to be a free day of public transit tomorrow. Think about it. Free rides for 1 day. Good thought, it's the right thing to do. But come on... one day? This is going to take months to fix. Maybe there will finally be more people taking up mass transit. I'm thinking this could be a blessing.
The entrepreneur in me is itching to get out again. This time M and I are thinking greeting cards. She has already had minor success selling some of her designs. I'm more into handmade cards. I've been known to pay a ridiculous amount of money for crafty cards. There is definitely a market out there. I'm thinking we will have to start small. Friends and family, small boutiques. It's pretty labor intensive work. But I think it'll be fun. I have all the material we will need to do work anyway. This will be fun.
I think I will spend some time tomorrow clearing out some stuff from my room... again. I just feel like it. I'm starting to feel my room is getting cluttered again. I guess I'll have to hang up clothings... lol
I need to make a new list. I've been inspired the other day by the list of movies coming out this summer. That's what it's going to be. Films to watch. Good times. I'd be amazed if I get through half of it. But whatever.
School is almost done. I'm looking forward to it. I have a couple of weeks off. Not quite sure what to do yet. I sort of feel like going somewhere. I won't have a chance again until the end of summer when my classes are over.
Sharks are playing tomorrow night. I will be unresponsive between the hours of 7 to 9:30.
I've been so exhausted from work the last few days. I don't know what it is. I'm usually really upbeat about it. The day felt so long today. It's just weird. It feels like I'm getting so much done, and a little too fast. Almost every customer I talked to today didn't know what they were talking about. some people are just so frustrating. When I get one after another, I want to pull my hair out. My hip is still pretty sore. I did put in some gel insoles today. Yes, I'm gel'in. haha.
I'm thinking I want to skip yoga tomorrow and just jog. That way I can sleep in. Speaking of sleep.... zzz....
Friday, April 27, 2007
Came up with some idea with my friend on selling greeting cards. I can probably get some of them going today. mmm... after I finish the Mother's Day card... =p
Thursday, April 26, 2007
A few things on the way to Finance...
-- All the bands that plays in the Union at noon are pretty crappy
-- I've starting running my life like a business. I rearranged the accounts a bit again. Make it more of a standard on how to replenish the accounts.
-- I don't drink enough water
-- Where can I find a "count up" clock?
I suppose there is something a little deeper about that. What does it matter what happens in the world if I don't really care to write about myself. I like going back to random times in the last two years to see what I've written before. A lot of time I honestly can't remember I've written things like that. It's like a time capsule for me. It's a constant reminder that I'm a work-in-progress.
I think the best advise I've gotten in the last few years is to make lists. If I've learned nothing else. I am impatient. The only way I can be motivated is to see I've made progress. I think the most gratifying thing in the world is to check things off the lists I've made.
It takes 28 days to form a habit. I have the whole excessive shopping thing leashed in this month. So far. I got pretty creative with it I think. I know what my weakness is. Although the number of categories seems to be a little excessive, it makes a lot of sense for me. If I'm going to have to separate them into segments anyway, then why not do it ahead of time. I've become an Quicken addict. I think that's one of those things that is good to be addicted to. The thing is, I'm not obsessing about how little I have, I'm obsessing about how much progress I'm making. It makes me happy.
I'm not sure what my point is in all of this. Just killing some time until I can go home and watch the Sharks I suppose.
Whipping Boy
Whipping boy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A whipping boy, in feudal times, was a boy of the same age but lower rank raised with a prince or nobleman as a playmate, who was whipped in his place when the young nobleman -- too high in standing to be beaten by anyone below his father, who was often unavailable -- misbehaved or slacked in his studies, as a psychological 'indirect punishment'.
In modern times, the term "whipping boy" has come to mean a scapegoat, or something that is a frequent recipient of undue pain, punishment or mistreatment, including inanimate objects
of bacteria, arsenic and chlorine
The real cost of bottled water
Jared Blumenfeld, Susan Leal
Sunday, February 18, 2007
San Franciscans and other Bay Area residents enjoy some of the nation's highest quality drinking water, with pristine Sierra snowmelt from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir as our primary source. Every year, our water is tested more than 100,000 times to ensure that it meets or exceeds every standard for safe drinking water. And yet we still buy bottled water. Why?
Maybe it's because we think bottled water is cleaner and somehow better, but that's not true. The federal standards for tap water are higher than those for bottled water.
The Environmental Law Foundation has sued eight bottlers for using words such as "pure" to market water that contains bacteria, arsenic and chlorine. Bottled water is no bargain either: It costs 240 to 10,000 times more than tap water. For the price of one bottle of Evian, a San Franciscan can receive 1,000 gallons of tap water. Forty percent of bottled water should be labeled bottled tap water because that is exactly what it is. But even that doesn't dampen the demand.
Clearly, the popularity of bottled water is the result of huge marketing efforts. The global consumption of bottled water reached 41 billion gallons in 2004, up 57 percent in just five years. Even in areas where tap water is clean and safe to drink, such as in San Francisco, demand for bottled water is increasing -- producing unnecessary garbage and consuming vast quantities of energy. So what is the real cost of bottled water?
Most of the price of a bottle of water goes for its bottling, packaging, shipping, marketing, retailing and profit. Transporting bottled water by boat, truck and train involves burning massive quantities of fossil fuels. More than 5 trillion gallons of bottled water is shipped internationally each year. Here in San Francisco, we can buy water from Fiji (5,455 miles away) or Norway (5,194 miles away) and many other faraway places to satisfy our demand for the chic and exotic. These are truly the Hummers of our bottled-water generation. As further proof that the bottle is worth more than the water in it, starting in 2007, the state of California will give 5 cents for recycling a small water bottle and 10 cents for a large one.
Just supplying Americans with plastic water bottles for one year consumes more than 47 million gallons of oil, enough to take 100,000 cars off the road and 1 billion pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, according to the Container Recycling Institute. In contrast, San Francisco tap water is distributed through an existing zero-carbon infrastructure: plumbing and gravity. Our water generates clean energy on its way to our tap -- powering our streetcars, fire stations, the airport and schools.
More than 1 billion plastic water bottles end up in the California's trash each year, taking up valuable landfill space, leaking toxic additives, such as phthalates, into the groundwater and taking 1,000 years to biodegrade. That means bottled water may be harming our future water supply.
The rapid growth in the bottled water industry means that water extraction is concentrated in communities where bottling plants are located. This can have a huge strain on the surrounding eco-system. Near Mount Shasta, the world's largest food company, Nestle, is proposing to extract billions of gallons of spring water, which could have devastating impacts on the McCloud River.
So it is clear that bottled water directly adds to environmental degradation, global warming and a large amount of unnecessary waste and litter. All this for a product that is often inferior to San Francisco's tap water. Luckily, there are better, less expensive alternatives:
-- In the office, use a water dispenser that taps into tap water. The only difference your company will notice is that you're saving a lot of money.
-- At home and in your car, switch to a stainless steel water bottle and use it for the rest of your life knowing that you are drinking some of the nation's best water and making the planet a better place.
Hey look, I'm drinking from my nalgene bottle.
My little experiment
Seriously thought about skipping school today. But noooo.... friend has to wake me up right on time with a text. Happens.
I actually had a pretty good time last night. I finally had some pho. I've been craving it for so long. Bowled a couple of games. Those were ok. I could have done better. A couple of my friends got the dial braces.... they're dorks. I don't really believe in it. It's like cheating. Plus you can't really bowl without it. We to Starbucks afterwards and hung out with some friends and gossiped. It was fun. Those guys are awesome. I should hang out with them more.
I'm going to dinner with an old buddy tonight. Sushi, me thinks. Thinking about it makes me hungry.... or maybe it's because I forgot to grab breakfast this morning.
Sharks are in Detroit tonight. Going home after class to watch that.
Working very short hours tomorrow. Awesome. Leaves me time to do my own things.
I get paid tomorrow. Already looked at my pay stub. Not enough money. That's what happens when I work 2 shifts short of my normal. Pretty amazing how much money I'm still saving though.
I figured out what classes I need to take over summer. Looks like a lot. I just want to get it over with.
mmm... that's all for now. I'm going to put a countdown clock somewhere on the sidebar....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
How I picture myself
I went ahead and bought the 75-300mm lens today. Why you ask? Because I got the reward certificates. All 200 bucks. It works pretty darn well.
I got another piece of pretty good news. My writing test got cleared today, so I don't have to take it again. Wooo! Another thing checked off my list ^_^
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Everything Test
There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests, purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all.
Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for a personality test.We're turning that upside down - all the questions affect all the results, and we've got some innovative results too! Enjoy :-)
You are more logical than emotional, more concerned about self than concerned about others, more atheist than religious, more dependent than loner, more lazy than workaholic, more traditional than rebel, more artistic mind than engineering mind, more cynical than idealist, more leader than follower, and more extroverted than introverted.
As for specific personality traits, you are adventurious (100%), outgoing (100%), romantic (71%), innovative (64%).
Prep (85%)
Old Geezer (83%)
Punk Rock (80%)
Sex (38%)
Substances (11%)
Travel (32%)
Your political views would best be described as Liberal, whom
you agree with around 43% of the time.
Your attitude toward life best associates you with Upper Middle Class.
You make more than 58% of those who have taken this test,
and 63% less than the U.S. average.
If your life was a movie, it would be rated PG-13.
By the way, your hottness rank is 71%, hotter than 86% of other test takers.
Powered by ThatSurveySite -
planning out my week....
1 Thursday April 26 4:30 p.m. Joe Louis Arena VERSUS 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
2 Saturday April 28 Noon Joe Louis Arena NBC 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
3 Monday April 30 7:00 p.m. HP Pavilion at San Jose FSN-HD 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
4 Wednesday May 2 7:00 p.m. HP Pavilion at San Jose VERSUS 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
5* Saturday May 5 11:00 a.m. Joe Louis Arena NBC 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
6* Monday May 7 TBD HP Pavilion at San Jose TBD 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
7* Wednesday May 9 TBD Joe Louis Arena TBD 98.5 KFOX/SJS Radio Network
I got my reward certificates. I think I'll go ahead and make a trip to MV tomorrow to pick up all the lens and filters. Have to do laundry tomorrow. Have to get grocery too. I guess I've got a lot to do.
I get paid this Friday. Yay! I need to fill out the referral form too. I want that money.
My music library has been messed up for a time. I finally went ahead and deleted off empty entries and useless play lists yesterday. I'm going to have to leave my external hard drives on if I want to keep all of that organization in check. Which also means I need to get myself a hard copy of all of my music sometime. That is a whole lot of blank DVDs I need. On that same note I should back up all of those TV shows I have on the other drive also. I also plan to throw a 3rd drive in there to store pictures and documents. Yeah. I have a lot of information that I can move around. I need to do a bit of cable management on my desk. It's getting pretty messy with all those connections on there. I have a few open ports on the back of my rig, but I think a second hub is needed. So one of them is for just external hard drives and the other for random connections. I think that would probably work.
I left my rig on last night to reload my iPod. It's now nicely synced. I also reset the play count on all the songs. I had to remake a couple of play lists and deleted a few. It's like I'm trying to work from a clean slate here. I woke up at 4 this morning to turn off my rig. Maybe that's why I feel so tired. I'm working on building up my 25 most played song list again. Starting fresh. I notice how I usually have a single song I love and would play it over and over. That song usually has a bit of special meaning to me at the time. I don't have anything like that right now. It feels strange to not have a song. I haven't really discovered any new music I like lately. I end up listening to the same things I usually do. It's been months since I found any particular song I can't stop listening to.
The yummy indian food I had yesterday finally hit me after 18 hours. It's great when I'm trying to take a quiz. Enough said.
These couple of weeks are going to be pretty light for me on the school front. I'm somewhere between the second and third set of midterms. Finals will follow pretty closely after that. I have an appointment at 3:30 today with an adviser. After that I should know exactly how the rest of school is going to look like. Hopefully. I know I should have done it like two months ago. But hey, better late then never.
I ran a little faster yesterday. I suppose I should work on that. My goal is to run as far as I can in 40 minutes, with a minimum of 3 miles. I need to build on my endurance a bit too. Slowing down my pace a little tiny bit should help. If I can jog the entire 40 minutes it would be great. At the same time I am going to use another treadmill at the gym. The one I was on yesterday kept stopping, saying no runner detected. That pissed me off. I hate being stopped so abruptly. I'm going to keep up on the running. Crunches and leg lifts are not a problem, but I'm thinking about taking off ISO from my routine. I don't know, I think I'll leave it in for another couple of weeks and see where I go from there. I'm going to make good about the whole yoga thing. There's a class at 10 tomorrow. I'll be in that. I need to start somewhere. I figure after I learn the basics from the class I can start doing it at home. I need to build flexibility and strength. I just need to fit my run into my schedule somewhere. Starting next week there is going to be 6 am yoga classes on Monday and Wednesday. I like that idea. It actually fits right into my schedule right through summer. My class (assuming I get to add into it after today) on Monday/Wednesday starts at 8. So yoga at 6 for an hour, get home, shower, go to class. Pretty good. If I can get up that is. I need some motivation. I already have a pretty good motivator in mine. I just need to keep to it.
That's all I have for now I think.
Monday, April 23, 2007
nice, warm, and loud tonight....
Some thoughts while I waste time and not feel bad about it
I had a pretty good lunch today. I love Indo-Pakistani food.
Yeltsin is dead. I read a book a while back, I think it was a Clancy book about what happens if the guy had drank himself to death during his presidency. So he did die of heart complications. I don't know what I can say about that.
Sharks won round 1. Yay! Maybe I'll find some round 2 tickets... maybe. Or maybe round 3? *fingers crossed*
I wish I feel more inspired to make new layouts. I feel like such a fraud sometimes. I have so much stuff I can use. All I want to do is to get more stuff. I know I can do it, but I don't know what to make. Yeah I should just go make some random pages just to get the ball going. My album is pretty damn empty right now... lol.
I really need to make a page for Whammy. Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen? He poops a lot though. haha... and he loves to hide in the blanket....
I finally gave in today and got some Crocs... haha. I think I remember saying something like over my dead body. But omg those things are so damn comfy.

I started knitting last night. Considering I have knitted for a while I actually did pretty well. Crochet is and knitting is a lot different. I'm trying to make myself a pretty cool scarf. We'll see what it looks like when I'm done. I'm doing it pretty fast. I'm doing this while I'm watching playoff hockey. Good times.
I got up a little early on Sunday and got Dave tickets. Wooo! Too bad I didn't get seats. Lawn again. Oh well... it's going to be fun anyway. I used up my AMEX points. So my tickets are almost half off. It doesn't really give me too good of a rate, but hell... if it takes the price down by $45 bucks, I'll take it. That's what I'm going to save my points for from now. My yearly Dave tickets purchase... haha. That's like the only concert I go to. Which I'm fine about. I need to really enjoy it right? In the spirit of that, I need to start my concert account. Money I can spend when I'm there. Yup. Spreading my spendings thin....
With that said... I threw in a couple of new accounts. I'm not quite sure how to add to the concert fund. I suspect I'm just going to throw money in it from the general spending fun. I made a bowling gear account. Whatever is left over from bowling each month goes into it. Simple enough. I realize I have to break down my spending little by little to really control my spending. Just have to think it through is all.
Anyway I'm getting a headach.... Going to lay down for a little.... Heroes is back on tonight! Woo!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I read "Who Moved My Cheese?" today. Quick read, took me about an hour. I was a Hem, turned into a Haw, sometimes a Scurry, trying to be Sniff. Go read it. It's worth your time.
I'm learning how to trust myself. I know who my real friends are. I know who will say, oh hell just leave her alone, and who will stand by my window in the middle of the night just to make sure I'm ok.
People can't know everything about me. I always have the urge to tell people my thoughts. No more. I know how to censor my words on the blog, then I know how to do it in person. There is so much more I won't say here, so why should it be different anywhere else? If people really want to know what I'm thinking, then this is it. I know who my audience are, and who isn't. A lot of times this is a rant about the ones that aren't. Those are the ones that should.
It's a give and take. I don't need to do and be everything you want me to be. I need my life to be about me. I have a year left in school, I get addicted to games, I get sick of people who are Hems, and I'm artsy. What does that mean? That means I'm finally getting a clear picture of who I want myself to be.
I want to live my life where I am enjoying every minute of it. I don't need to have people to be negative and bring my spirits down. I love the rainy weather. I was actually enjoying my lectures today. I made a semi-valid excuse to get out of the gym today.
I don't need people to take my words and twist it around. I now figured if I don't talk to them, then they won't have any words to twist on. Want to go out? Cool, let me know. I just might show up if I feel like it. I'm not mad at anybody.
I got an attitude adjustment. So what do I want? I looked out into the horizon the last couple of days and saw a somewhat defined future. There are so many paths for me to take.
Motivation. The path I'm going down right now leads to security. After security I can work on things that makes me self-actualize. Every single thing I have talked about in the last month or two that are entirely tedious leads to security. I need my security to build on the higher order needs. What do I do when I turn on my computer everyday? I check my bank accounts, credit card accounts, and investments. Stare at Quicken for a good 5 minutes. Plan my day on how I won't spend that money. It's my security. When I have my security I can buy my own freedom. I want a house. That's my freedom. My own private space. I can walk around my house in the nude if I want to. I will have the choice. Giving in to my impulse leads to failure. Setting goals helped me. I can see with security I can get bigger rewards. Being smart about things. Think it through. Get things on a need basis. It's a good thing.
I won't hesitate to express myself. All it means is that I care. And I do. That makes me feel alive. I've been dead for so long. I had so much fear. What if I fail? I start again. I did. It looks even better then before. The more I think of it, the more I can't imagine myself in my old path. It's a hard lesson. But lesson learned.
I have nothing to complain about in life. I really don't. They are all little things. So what material do I have left to write on this blog you ask? I can always reinforce how awesome my life really is. Did I mention I love the sound of rain?
What happens when the Blackberry service goes down for 12 hours? I can totally relate.... lol
thursday randoms
- Have to have to remember to get Dave tickets on Sunday morning. Right before I go to work. I'd be pissed if I don't have it.
- I've been too accommodating to people. Some things have changed. More on that later.
- I find that I carry most of my stress in my shoulders. That's the only part of me that's never rested. Save up for a message. Yup.
- Sharks won game 4. Yay! I'm looking forward to maybe getting round 2 tickets. More of a financial question then a will there be a round 2 question. Of course there's going to be a round 2 silly. Since I'm already getting Dave tickets, my funds is running a little low. I can get my dad to pay for it. lol. Yes... my favorite kind of outings....
- I have most of Saturday off. A bit of a fluke. We were going to the MS Walk in the morning... then we get to have a meeting that morning. So screw it. Not a lot of people signed up anyway. I'll just go to the meeting in the morning and take the rest of the day off.
- I saw more security on campus yesterday. Yes, I had to turn in a paper yesterday. It's weird to see 2 separate groups of 7 to 9 cops on bikes rolling across the campus. I guess I don't have much to say about that. Nothing is going to change. Nothing changed for years and years, then why would anything change now? Funny how John Howard talked about the number of mass shooting dropped dramatically after they changed their gun laws. Interesting. But hell, when are Aussies ever right... right?
- It is cold today. I haven't seen the sun.
- Today is as good as any to run. I'm coughing less, my schedule is mostly open, and my workout log is piling up. Fun fun. Actually reading my past posts really encouraged me. I know what I'm really capable of. It's been so long since I've really worked out. I feel heavy. I know I can be slimmer. I know I look a lot better then before. I've settled into a sort of comfort zone. I need to stop making excuses and just go. I think putting up the tracker really helps. I can see how far behind I am... lol. Putting workouts into my schedule helps too. I like working out in the morning. It's not really possible for me on school days, but certainly on off days and work days. I think the only day where I can't work out is Tuesday, for the next 4 weeks at least. I can most certainly make my way to the gym on the others. I just have to be consistent. I think that's the last thing I really need to work on, making a workout part of my habit.
- I've had enough with people. If you don't like where and what I pick, then speak up ahead of time. I'm not making plans for you people anymore. I'm just here to coordinate. Figure out what you want to do, let me know, I may or may not show up. Generally I'm not the one to bitch about where to go. We have a vegetarian and somebody who bitches about food are expensive. Cool, then we can go to somewhere cheap. I have people who are tired of going to the same places over and over. Ok, then I give you a whole week to give me a suggestion of where to go. Make up your damn mind. You people need to understand, I don't care where to go. So I let you guys hash it out, when you guys want to go somewhere else, 2 hours beforehand. Ok, sure call me when you figure it out. Then I get a call from another confirming that I'm not showing up. ummm... yeah.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I was
Oh one more thing. I <3 Costco. I really want the paper.... and they now sell banker's box! I should have checked if they had it when I needed it. I love those things. I can store so much stuff away with those. ok that's all =p
must.... resist....
I feel so much lighter right now. I'm done with another round of midterms and papers for now. I can relax a bit. *phew* I'm thinking I want to do some layouts today. Maybe finally throw that St. Patty's layout together? I got this cool paper for it too.... Shamrocks and Beer pictures. Yup. I need to snip a piece of shamrock and press it. Going to make a sticker with it.... I'll throw that on later. Ahhh... the ideas are coming back. Must create.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
what tuesday should be... before i forget...
- write take home essay
- shower
- clip nails - very important...
- charge nano on the way to campus
- turn in essay
- order cake
- find card
- grocery
- run
- shower
- pass out
- watch Sharks win game 4
- pass out again
- count down a year and a month till freedom
that sounds pretty good to me
i did that?
how it plays out....
Can't seem to get anything done until the very last minute. I was going to write that paper last night. The Sharks won. I was going to get up at 5:30 to write it. I was 10 min late to class. I have an hour and a half after my first class. I need to study for that midterm, like I was going to do yesterday after I write that paper. Midterm, hopefully go over midterms in 2 classes, have 3 hours to write that paper. Turn in paper. Struggle to stay awake in class. Write a gigantic amount of in home essays on subjects I don't much care for. Sleep. Turn in essays in an ungodly hour on one of the days I'm not on campus. Order cake. Grocery. Sleep. Make up some excuse to not go out to weekly gathering. Watch the Sharks win Game 4. Sleep. More school. Get card. Sleep. Work. Pick up cake. Sleep. Meeting, remember to bring cake and card. Have rest of Saturday off.
Yeah that's how I see the rest of my week.
Monday, April 16, 2007
more of monday
I made an appointment to meet with my advisor to sort things out, figure out what else I need to take. That's next tuesday in between classes. Plenty of time. So classes for the summer is going to be from 6/4 until 7/14 or something like that. That means I will have roughly a month of summer vacation afterwards. That's not counting the 2 weeks I have after this semester is over. That's not bad. The main reason I really have to meet with my advisor is to figure out what else I have left to take. That leads to how much longer I need to be in school. So yeah, take some initiative. I'm looking at about 3 more sessions. Summer plus the next academic year. Then I'm probably done. I'll figure out if that's true next week. 18 more units after summer, if I get all of that. I'm taking 16 right now. I might take a CS course so I can get the CS minor too. I certainly have enough room for that from the looks of it. That is if I go ahead and take 3 classes this summer.
I've been totally obsessed with crochet lately. I'm doing another blanket. I'm trying out something new with this one, a little bit of a pattern. It's cute. This one is going a lot faster too, because it's like a quarter of the width of my last one. I already plotted out the next few blankets I'm doing. Hopefually I'll get all of it done by Christmas. yeah I know it's only April. Come on, the year goes fast when I'm crocheting.
I feel kind of bad about not even opening one of my books. It's still in its shrink wrap. I only have 4 more weeks of class left. I'm getting an A in that class. I'm never buying text books ahead of time again. I'm going to go to the first class, figure out what books I need, and go to an off campus book store. yeah, my thrifty side is kicking in.
Speaking of spending money, or the lack of. I'm trying to get those reward certificates issued so I can use it. I'm thinking Wednesday will be pretty good for it. Lens and two filters is all I need for now. I figured with the $200 bucks of certificates I'll end up paying less then 10 for the rest of the balance. I think that will be the last big purchase I will make in a little while. I'm going to save up those points and see what I can get for Christmas. haha... maybe something off the rest of my list. I'll be back on track for the monitor by then. I've resolved to stop putting money onto my computers. I really don't need to unless something breaks on me.
The last couple of weeks I have been so busy. That's what school does. Zaps out my time and motivation. Midterm after midterm. Papers too. I haven't been able to do anything I would like to do. I haven't made any layouts for a while. I finally got all of those great equipments and supplies, then nothing. I've gotten nothing done. I still have all of those great ideas jotted down in my note pad. After I finish up with those I can probably work on some dares. I'm way behind on the deck again. I just don't feel particularly inspired. Funny thing is, the next card is about inspiration. Figures.
True I've had a lot on my mind lately. But I found myself to be in a better state of mind when I started ignoring people. I talk to a couple of friends once in a while, but for the most part I just keep to myself. Maybe this whole law of attraction thing is true. I need to surround myself with positive energy and away from people who are so negative. I just have to have a clear picture of where I see myself in the future.
Having my camera makes me want to go out and do things. I can't wait until my break so I can go places, by myself, to take pictures. I went and organized some of my pictures. I'll have to really sort through some of it when I have time.
case of the mondays
Sunday, April 15, 2007
one of those weeks
Saturday, April 14, 2007
friday night
I lost my voice. Throat hurts a little.
Was at work waaaaaay too early this morning. Got some paperworks and such done. Was just soooooo lazy though.
Still kinda pissed the Sharks lost.
Had a really good dinner at this Viet place that specialize in beef. At a lot of veggies along with it. I'm a good girl. For that at least.
I've been slacking on my exercise. Excuse #1: I'm coughing my lungs out.
Having a bit of a hard time breathing. No fun.
Refused to do laundry again. Good thing I have a gigantic pile of underware and socks.
My budget plan is working. Got paid today. Goodie.
Brain is slowly shutting down.... I work at 11. Sleep time.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
the nights are long and cold
growing like weeds
Jackass makes us look bad. He doesn't belong, cause he got caught... muahahaha...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Rock On
Ok, next gripe. Scrawny, fobby, asain guy. Please don't tuck your long sleeve tee-shirt into your ankle-length-wrinkly-puke-green corduroy. You would get stoned in Asian countries. What makes you think you can wear that here? I don't care if you're an aspiring engineer. Bill Gates dress better then you, and that is prior to hiring a stylist.
One more. Asian guy trying to look like one of the characters in Initial D, your hair looks perfect, but please look into getting some Noxema. You look like Rudolph, and it's only April.
What I already know....
Best part is.... my store gets mentioned.... lol
At another Best Buy in Sunnyvale, for instance, the music MP3 players on display were in good working order, and a patron could test the controls and use headphones to listen to them. By contrast, the Palo Alto Circuit City's portable players -- with the exception of a separate display for Microsoft Corp.'s Zune player -- were not powered and lacked headphones so a shopper couldn't get a good test run of the devices. Product information placards were also missing from some models.
"I like how it's easier to find things (at Best Buy), and it's cool when you walk in and they greet you," Dustin Durham said outside the store, clutching a new projector. Durham used to shop at a Circuit City when he lived in Kentucky but moved a year ago to the San Francisco Bay Area where both stores geographically compete neck-in-neck. He hasn't been back to a Circuit City since because he said the store just felt "like a maze."
Devoe, who bypassed Circuit City in his search for a computer monitor this week, first tried the local Costco, then a Fry's electronics store and finally Best Buy, where he admittedly was pleasantly surprised with its selection and knowledgeable staff.
At Costco, displays weren't powered on, and at Fry's, he couldn't adjust the display resolutions. But at Best Buy, he was sold on a 24-inch, $700 display after he was able to actually compare and adjust the resolutions of various models.
Personally... I am surprised that our stuff works and our staff is knowledgeable... hahahahaIn some cases, it just comes down to location. With more than 800 Best Buy stores in the U.S., compared with Circuit City's 650, Richfield, Minn.-based Best Buy Co. Inc. has an upper hand at the moment.
"I don't have anything against Circuit City, but this one is just closer to me," Daisy Zhao said, as she stepped out of a Best Buy with a new digital camcorder.
It was just a one-mile difference from the next closest Circuit City -- where Zhao said she used to shop before the Best Buy opened in her Sunnyvale neighborhood about three years ago. Since then, the homemaker has bought a DVD recorder, a DVD player, a small, flat-panel TV and some other computer accessories from Best Buy.
mmmm... more like a year and a half.... good try though... And yes... buy more accessories! Lord knows we need to sell more of those... *sigh*Life Style Inventory – Self Assessment of Leadership Style
At first glance of my Life Styles Circumplex, there is nothing too extreme about it. There is no single dominating style, and I seem to be balanced out compared to others. Upon closer inspections I can see I am more people oriented. I lie above the 75th percentile in Humanistic-Encouraging, Affiliative, Approval, Conventional styles. I am in the 50th percentile in Dependent, Avoidance, Oppositional, Power, Competitive, Perfectionistic, and Self-Actualizing styles. The sole style that lies in the 25th percentile is Achievement. This, I believe, explains why I choose to write my paper at the last minute.
My primary management style is Affiliative, which scored in the 90th percentile. People who have an Affiliative style are more focused on the social aspects of work. I am more concerned with building interpersonal relationships with the people I work with and likes to help other people feel worthwhile. I have a need to build relationships that are meaningful and reciprocal and I have well-developed interpersonal skills. This skill makes me fit well in the culture of my place of work. I work for a national retail chain that has a mission to change the industry from a grab-and-go retail to service oriented. The company’s philosophy is, when a customer makes the effort to step foot into our store, they want something. Start building a relationship the moment they walk in, learn what is it they want, and assist them in finding it. We have to ask questions and learn about their lifestyle. By learning more about the customer, we can recommend complimentary products to the product they originally came for. Having an Affiliative style is very important in this job. I can easily strike up a conversation with anyone that walks into the store. Oftentimes I can build a relationship with the customer within half an hour that makes them want to come back to my store for their next purchase. This skill is very important because the company wants to build the business upon returning customers and having those customers recommend us to other people.
Although my Affiliative skill is great for my day to day work, it is not the best thing for management alone. I can be well-liked by my subordinates because I care about how they feel. I believe that personal job satisfaction contributes to effective job performance. My second highest scoring style is Humanistic-Encouraging, which has me encouraging people unconditionally. These skills are complimentary in that I can motivate other people to work. The rest of the circumplex shows that I am not very assertive, and I seem to have a problem motivating myself.
I don’t think there is any method in developing my Affiliative style. I am friendly, trusting, and don’t mind throwing myself out there to get to know people. I am naturally curious about people and I don’t mind sharing my experience and view with others. I think one of the starting points in developing this skill was from my public speaking class in high school. In that class I was able to overcome my fear of public speaking. From there I learned how to not get embarrassed when speaking to people. I don’t have the fear that I would say something wrong. I learned to laugh about my own mistakes. If I were to say something wrong, at worst people would ignore me. The most important thing I had to realize to develop my Affiliative skills is that if I throw myself out there and fails, the world is not going to end.
The Affiliative skill is very important to both my personal and career. On the personal front, I am able to build a couple lasting friendships. I don’t have too many friends, but I am close to the ones that are. I am only able to build a friendship with people who are willing to reciprocate my efforts. While at work, I am able to build relationships with customers as I have mentioned before, and it also helped me with my leadership skills. I like to go around the store and encourage others to do quality work. I let those people know what they do is not worthless, and their efforts are appreciated. I am well respected by my peers and the leadership team often asks for my opinion on what improvements can be made to increase moral and productivity. I am not afraid to express my opinion and point out my efforts to the leadership team. These relationships will help me in getting noticed. With these skills, I am usually being considered first when a leadership position opens up. The leadership team recognizes I am easy to work with, and I am able to help others develop. Unfortunately I had to decline those positions multiple times because of school. This is a skill I want to keep developing to further my career.
My most glaring shortcoming is in my Achievement style. In the assessment, it said that people with low Achievement scores feels any efforts they make makes little impact. It also said that people who have low score most likely suffered some setbacks in their life. That is a dead on description for me. The Affiliative and Achievement styles are complementary in creating a successful career. I definitely can see how striving towards quality work and encouraging others to do so can strengthen my career. Part of my problem is having proper motivation. I am a person motivated by results. In order for me to build this up, I need a rigid structure. If I don’t set measurable goals for myself in the sort term I usually lose interest in the subject. It may seem hard at first, but it doesn’t really take too much to motivate me. I have already started on a little experiment on myself. I have set up a couple of broad goals such as losing weight and saving money. Those things are measurable. My next step is to break these goals up into milestones. For weight lost, I have daily and weekly exercise goals. They don’t look like a lot, but when I put them together, it adds up. I am doing the same with my savings goals. I am a self-proclaimed shopaholic. The only way to curb my spending is to set a budget. I looked at my spending on Quicken and determined how much I need, how much I should save, and how much I have left in each month. I broke down this budget into categories also, so I won’t overspend on each thing so it would run into other types of spending. At the last step, I made all of my goals and milestones public on my web site. My friend commented on how all these figures made her head hurt. It is all in the efforts to build up my Achievement style.
Monday, April 9, 2007
The article is pretty long, but it's very interesting. What would happen when you put Joshua Bell in a Washington Metro station during rush hour, playing a $3.5M Strad, posing as a street musician? I learned a couple of things from this...
1) iPods drowns you out of your surroundings
2) people are often blinded by their priorities
3) everything has a context
4) children has a better appreciation of the arts then any adults ever will
*edited 4/10*
Thank you adooma, that was an interesting take on that subject. I think she's right about how Bell wasn't able to interact with the crowd because he was out of his element and therefore effected his performance. But on a level, I don't think that was the point of the stunt. If those same people who passed by were given tickets that cost hundreds of dollars, they would try to make an effort to appreciate the performance. I'm not saying people don't appreciate the arts. What I'm saying is, on the average, people are not trained to know what they are listening to. If everything sounds the same to them, how would they gage how much it is worth? A lot of people turn to so called experts for what they thing, and more so with celebrities. Another way to do it is with monetary value. If it's expensive, then it must be good. I'm not saying if I were there I could tell the difference and would stop to listen. If I had my priorities I probably would just make note that the guy was good, and go about my way. I'm not sure what my exact point is, but I'm sure it is along the lines where people need to be more cultured, and we should bring the arts back into schools.
I was suppose to go to the store to return a whole mess of cables too. Too lazy. yeah i know... I'm too lazy to go get money. I just don't feel like making the trip. I can do that Wednesday when I also have to do a grocery trip. yeah... sooo lazy.. dammit.
I really should write that paper, but guss what, I'm going to crochet. screw it. I can get it done later...
new section
Sunday, April 8, 2007
let me put it this way
There is something about a house full of sick people that makes you feel particularly cranky. Gas prices are pretty rediculous. I finally caved and filled the tank this evening. The light was coming on. Cost me $35 bucks to fill it. I drive a Civic mind you... that's crazy. Remember, my budget is fricking $50 bucks for the month. Can't really go too far now I guess.
The BBQ was fun. I'm glad a whole lot of people showed up. It was nice to just hang out. I let people play around with the camera. Got some fairly interesting shots of people. I'll pick a few for posting later.
I've been crocheting. That's what has been zapping out my time. I'm almost done. About 2 and 2/3 of yarn left out of 13. My coffee and cream bed cover. I'm looking forward to it. I need more bold colors in my room.
I looked at the couple of pictures they took of me tonight. I don't like what I see. Now that I've got my finance more or less in order, I really should work on my body. A trip to the gym tomorrow is a must.
I guess that's all I have for now. I should actually get some sleep when I need to, and get things done when I have the chance. Just talking about it doesn't really help.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
my boy
Thursday, April 5, 2007
i have this problem
I actually found a couple of decent sites today, no thanks to AdSense. Prices are alright, but the sellection... omg.... lol. I put them up on my "craft - supplies" section.
I also put up how much I have in each of my funds right on top of my shopping list. Puts things into perspective ya know =p Well at the very least it keeps my mind rolling when I'm just chilling in school and tempted to order stuff.
Working at 11 tomorrow. Michaels opens at 8, with a 50% coupon. Dunno what to get... *ponders* There's a 30% coupon for Saturday morning. Mom and I are sooooo getting a bunch of yarn. I also need ink pads and maybe some loose paper.... notice... I'm going with Mom... yay! Plus I don't work till 2 in the afternoon. We'll have time... muahahahaha....
I figured out another thing. If I do all the links clicking on AdSense at school, each one of them registers as unique clicks. I get $0.10 per click. Hey if you're passing by, click a couple for me? I promise to put this money into my scrapbook and/or vacation fund... lol (I know who my audience is)
With Easter, a bbq, putting the new entertainment center together and consiquently rearranging the living room... I don't know when I'm going to have time to study for my 4 midterms and write 2 papers... by Tuesday morning....
I'm going to sleep....
i <3 google maps
2. click on "maps"
3. click on "get directions"
4. type " New York " in the first box (the "from" box)
5. type " London " in the second box (the "to" box)
6. scroll down to step #23
girl's gotta eat
might as well make it productive
you would think....
I need to start leaving bowling earlier. I never get enough sleep wednesday nights. No more Starbucks after bowling. Saves me some money too.
*Warning: Vent Ahead*
1) People who complaints about the same thing over and over, day in and day out. I'm not the only one who has expressed that. If you have so much to complaint about, why don't you do something about it? I never said it's going to be easy. You just need to make a bit of sacrifice to better the rest of your life. The longer you wait, the harder it is for you to be in position to make the change.
2) People who guilts others into doing things. You probably don't know you're doing it, but you are. We do it because we pity you. See peeve #1.
3) People who makes assumption about my life. I understand how much you need a significant other. It doesn't mean I want one too. And please, I do get a lot more action then you do. I just don't tell you about it so you won't bitch. Again, I don't want to hear it. If you need a significant other, see peeve #1.
4) People who don't listen. I tell you #1, you get angry at me. Have you noticed I have been ignoring you lately? More so the last few days, because every time you open your mouth it's 1, 2, and 3 all rolled up into one. Yeah. I'm fucking sick of it.
5) Don't ever start a conversation with... so my calls today are fucked up.... We know that's what you're going to do every time. It's a fucking downer. When we hang out, we're trying to have some fun. Come on.
6) Don't ever leave me a voice mail or IM saying.... I'm bored, lonely.... well ok... I guess you're busy with homework or something.... *all dejected*. If I'm doing homework, I'd pick up/reply. I don't want to talk to you when you're looking for me to cheer you up. Cause that's fucking impossible. I'm sick of it.
7) Don't go asking other people what's wrong with me. Do I look antisocial? If I want to talk to you about it, I would be talking to you.
8) Don't ever, EVER! Try to chat with me while I'm trying to put a sale together. 9 out of 10 times you end up talking to the customer and fuck the whole thing up.
These people are sucking the life out of me.
*End Vent*
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
the difference....
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I was very very bored in class tonight. It was one of those days where I want to just get up from my seat, scream, and get out of the building. Alas, I didn't do it. I just ended up shopping around for rubber stamps. In fact, I did a whole bunch of shopping today, but didn't buy anything.
After a bit of soul searching (yes, that is what I do when I'm trying to tune out the lecture), I've decided I need to implement yet another incarnation of my savings plan. Well actually what I had before was working pretty well, I just need to put in a spending limit/clause/something. I have spent way too much in the last few weeks, I need to get back on the frugal track. With that, I need to do a little bit of math.
-- I net about $600 per month from work. That's after deductions, taxes, stock purchase, 401K, charity and such, and that is how much I have to work with.
-- Priority goes to the essentials and recurring charges such as: Phone Bill ($90.84), Netflix ($19.47), Gym ($28), Gas (budgeted at $50... ouch), Grocery ($80... about $20 a week for lunch stuff), Dinner and Bowling (3 games at $7.50, dinner at $12.50.... $20x4 = $80). At the total of $348.31, and let's round that up to $350.
-- $600 - $350 = $250 is what I have left on what I earned. True my parent do give me some money at the beginning of the month, but I do prefer not to touch that at all. I do have an agenda as I will talk about later.
-- I typically do get a little bit more then $300 on each of my pay check. That extra amount will now go to my newly established vacation fund. Oh you KNOW what that's for =P
-- I actually went and set up 2 shadow accounts on Quicken. Both of these accounts has running totals in it, but the actual amount of money are respectively in my checking and savings accounts. The spending account gets $250 added to it at the beginning of every month. I can spend it as I will, or keep it in there to add to a bigger amount later. The vacation fund is a portion of my savings that is for just that... a vacation. The amount gets added from the excess from my bi-weekly paycheck, and my current system of keeping the change. My collection of change accumulates at the end of each night when I deposit any loose change or dollar bills into my dish. Everytime my bills reaches $10, it is added to my Vacation Fund. Loose change will get counted once my bottles gets full.
-- Ok... back to my $250 of spending money for the MONTH. I would love to put 20% of that into savings. So that leaves me $50 per week... not too realistic I know, but it's something I can shoot for. If I can accumlate $50 per month towards the spending account, I'm looking at an extra $400 for December. Of course I am not going to put every single transaction onto it. I will only put down things I deem nonessential. It pains me to say it, but I'm putting things such as scrapbook supplies, camera supplies, games, extra clothing, eating out and such down on this account. I'm trying to be strict on myself. These are things I don't really need (well some would argue I know...). What this really means is that I can't buy anything on impulse. I need to really think about how each purchase has an impact on my budget for the month. I will probably end up buying things towards the end of the month, after weeding out things that are just wasteful.
So there it is, my savings/spending plan.
I still have potentially another year of school to go. What I really want is to have enough money saved by then to live comfortably after I get out. Get a full time job, get a place of my own. I already have the majority of stuff I need to furnish my place. Everything in my storage unit is enough to furnish a small condo. And of course a fully stocked kitchen. I have so much stuff in there I really can't wait to use them again. It's almost sad to see all my stuff in boxes piled into a corner. I'm suddenly really looking forward to it. To feel that sense of independence. It looked pretty scary before, especially when it became a road I'd walk on my own. I'm really in no hurry to move out. I won't do it until I buy my own place, which I do plan to. Where you ask? I'll think about it when I cross that bridge.
Oh... and no strike... dammit...
Actually let me back up a bit. I haven't been writing much for the past week and a half because I've been on spring break. Lord knows I never get anything done when you give me time off. I was suppose to get around to do a whole bunch of homework and papers and stuff. Guess what, I did none of it. And as you may be able to tell from my previous posts from that week, I did get a lot of creative stuff done. Which is very cool. I did a bunch of just driving around, buying stuff I don't really need nor can afford, and slept a lot. I never knew how much I miss sleeping in until I woke up this morning. Stupid school.... they keep pushing the strike, which is another story. I'm not too proud that I got next to nothing done last week. Felt like I wasted most of it. Sucks I know, but hey, it's a break and I took it as one.
I did have to work my regularly scheduled shifts.... if there is such a thing. That and worked on PI, which was actually more fun then I thought it would be.
I reminded myself that I really love creating art of any form. I've been working on paper crafts now for a few weeks. Not too much to show for it, that's because I think about what I want to put down before I actually start. My mom was surprised at how artsy I actually am. Honestly I am too. I never really thought of myself as a creative person. Scientific is what I usually am. Maybe it's because I never really gave myself a chance to develop in those things. I do recognize that I am more interested in the arts and humanities fields a majority of times. I love going to museums and galleries, classic literature, history, and observations of nature. Sometimes I think I'm living in the wrong century... age even. So anyway. Because of all of that, I'm really excited about getting my camera. As soon as I was able, I ordered it last Wednesday, and it is on its way to me. The only thing that irks me is that I don't have a tracking number.
I thought about getting a film camera a few years back, because I can learn to develop photos at the craft center in the Union. I've always wanted to do black and white photos. I had a great time working on yearbooks when I was in junior high. Taking that camera all over campus taking candid shots of students was a rush. I didn't have the money back then, and the folks thought it was a silly idea. So I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. It was until my college years (and long that is) that I seriously started contemplating the hobby again. In the recent months, one excuse led to another, I finally went ahead and bought the camera. Now I have to decide on my accessories. My mom questioned my decision to get the camera a little while back. She didn't get why I would get something so big. True that I already have a point and shoot, but it doesn't give me the picture quality I want. I showed her some examples on flickr and that sort of changed her mind. Anyway... now I'm waiting. I might as well get the rest of the stuff in a couple of months when I have enough reward certificate to cover all the rest of the accessories. I think I guesstimated about $350 is about how much I'll need. I'll be at about $250 next month. I think the total, including pending points, I have about $235. argh... too much thinking...
PI was interesting. Friend of mine expressed that his worse nightmare came true. He was doing clean-and-bright at 1 in the morning... I was doing great until a fricking gaming headset with razor sharp packaging fell on my forehead. I put neosporin on it. I will be very pissed if I get a scar right above my right brow. It wasn't even a cut, it just scraped a patch of skin off. Friggin.... And I was just thinking that morning how I look a lot better now that I don't have any blemishes on my face. aaarrrghhh....