Sunday, April 8, 2007

let me put it this way

I've been feeling largely uninspired lately. The last couple of weeks anyway. Feeling sort of bleh again. My room is getting a little bit more unkept, my spending got a little bit out of hand, not really doing any homework, not really creating anything interesting, and I think I'm starting to get a little sick.

There is something about a house full of sick people that makes you feel particularly cranky. Gas prices are pretty rediculous. I finally caved and filled the tank this evening. The light was coming on. Cost me $35 bucks to fill it. I drive a Civic mind you... that's crazy. Remember, my budget is fricking $50 bucks for the month. Can't really go too far now I guess.

The BBQ was fun. I'm glad a whole lot of people showed up. It was nice to just hang out. I let people play around with the camera. Got some fairly interesting shots of people. I'll pick a few for posting later.

I've been crocheting. That's what has been zapping out my time. I'm almost done. About 2 and 2/3 of yarn left out of 13. My coffee and cream bed cover. I'm looking forward to it. I need more bold colors in my room.

I looked at the couple of pictures they took of me tonight. I don't like what I see. Now that I've got my finance more or less in order, I really should work on my body. A trip to the gym tomorrow is a must.

I guess that's all I have for now. I should actually get some sleep when I need to, and get things done when I have the chance. Just talking about it doesn't really help.

1 comment:

  1. Not an ounce of inspiration here either. I finished up my cards, and now I'm like three weeks behind again. Not a lot of motivation lately either.

    $35 bucks to fill your tank? Holy moly...not right! :(

    You so have to take a picture of your blanket when you're doene!
