Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Weirdo Tag

mmmm.... I don't think I've ever been tagged before... lol

Ok 6 things that are totally weird about myself, and I have to tag 6 more people. Sadly I think Carrie is the only person that reads this thing... so let's just leave it at why I'm werid.

1) I like to hang out at my place of work when I'm OFF! That's what happens when you put a shopaholic in retail.

2) I am addicted to my phone. I left it at home one day... and I sware I went through withdrawl....

3) I am actually looking forward to go to school. 'nuff said...

4) I crochet. Nothing fancy. Just gigantic throws that takes forever. For those of you who knows me, you know that's kinda out of character.

mmm... that's all I can think of for now... I'll probably think of other stuff later =P

1 comment:

  1. You are SO not weird. :oP
    I should make you try it again.
