Monday, April 10, 2006

me? jetlagged? *pfffff*....

ok maybe a little....

Classes were pretty long today. Got all the books, sold a few back, haven't really done any organizational/homework stuff. But if I do the same thing as this morning then I'll be awake at 5 and have plenty of time to do all that. Oh and my ballroom class is going to be concentrated on Salsa... yeah... I'm picking up a few moves already. i found that i'm not a particularly good lead, but man can i follow. maybe it's because i don't fight the power like most... lol. Starlite sometime anybody? haha... And I found out I have to perform at the end of the quarter... good... times....

p.s. cute guys are sort of lacking in ballroom... there are two that has some potential though. would be nice if i can partner up with the one who actually has some rhythm.


  1. Silly girl, don't you know the cute boys rarely have rhythm, or coordination? Want a good grade, pick a funny looking partner. :)

  2. haha, he seemed to have a little... i did get to dance with him for a bit. actually the funny looking ones dances pretty damn funny... ^_^

    the best partner i had yesterday was a scrawny viet girl, she was a good lead. i'll bet john will have something to say about that... lol

  3. HaHaHa @ John possibly having something to say!
